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Filtering by Category: Men's Bracelets

Men's Bracelets Just In Time For Father's Day!

Andreana Salvemini

We have lots of new men's bracelets in our shop just in time for Father's Day! Impress dad with a unique handmade gift he will love to wear!

Triple Stack Tuesday: Men's Yoga Bracelets Featuring Onyx, Cat's Eye, and Goldstone!

Andreana Salvemini

Top Bracelet • Onyx enhances the retention of memory & promotes attention to detail. It raises the wearer's resistance & persistence, enabling one to carry tasks to completion. Onyx is valuable in difficult or confusing times in our lives because it gives rise to certainty.

Middle Bracelet • Cat's Eye acts to stimulate intuition & to enhance awareness. It brings happiness & serenity, along with optimism, generosity & confidence. Traditionally, Cat's Eye is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits.

Bottom Bracelet • Goldstone is used to stabilize emotions & maintain calmness. It contains copper, which has been said to be helpful in increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation. Goldstone also shares coppers metaphysical properties: attracting abundance, harmonizing relationships, & increasing creativity.