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Stone Meanings


Julianna Frushour

Amazonite is known as the "Hope Stone." It will bring luck to all of your hopes and dreams. It improves confidence, both directed toward one's self and to others. It also helps balance emotions and gives physical stamina.

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Andreana Salvemini

Amethyst is a stone of the mind. It helps to bring calmness and clarity where there is anxiety and confusion. It fosters healing and selflessness; helps create inner peace and positive transformations.

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Julianna Frushour

Known as the "Stone of Opportunity," Aventurine is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals. It is said to manifest prosperity and wealth to the wearer. It is also considered an all purpose healing stone. A potent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort.

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Julianna Frushour

Bloodstone helps to minimize impatience and irritability. It soothes and revitalizes the mind to calm anxiousness. Also known to improve physical strength, enhance the immune system, and aids in detoxifying the body.

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Andreana Salvemini

The sparkles of Blue Goldstone are symbolic of the light that can always be found in the darkness, and its resemblance to the night sky will remind you to reach for the stars. It does contain copper, which in itself is extremely helpful in the areas of inflammation and increasing ones blood flow. Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity, balance, and truthfulness.

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Andreana Salvemini

Bronzite is beneficial to wear when making plans for the future because it alleviates indecision and doubt. It is also used to restore harmony and self confidence in situations where you feel overwhelmed or powerless. Bronzite inspires courtesy and acceptance.

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Julianna Frushour

Known as a stone of leadership and courage; Carnelians have protected and inspired throughout history. It also helps fight negativity, enabling us to look at the brighter side of life and bringing with it a feeling of optimism.

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Andreana Salvemini

Garnet is the stone of love and devotion. It is very good for career success. Wearing garnet is said to help one to become motivated, productive, and awaken the "inner fire" of creativity. 

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Julianna Frushour

Goldstone is used to stabilize emotions and maintain serenity. It also contains copper-which helps to attract abundance, harmonize relationships, increase imagination, and reduce inflammation.

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Julianna Frushour

Hematite is a mineral that has excellent cooling and calming energy; as well as being a powerful aid to stimulate the mind and enhance memory. This stone is also known to create a positive environment; and promotes relationships of love, balance, and peace.

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Julianna Frushour

Howlite is used to relieve anxiety, tension, and intense emotions. It increases the awareness of one’s goals and ambitions-helping the wearer achieve them. It also aids in creating a feeling of a true purpose which elevates the quality of life.

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Julianna Frushour

Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement. Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides a balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility.

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Julianna Frushour

Jasper is known to bring peacefulness and support through times of stress. It is also very stabilizing and is said to reduce insecurity, fear, and guilt. It can protect the wearer from getting carried away, or led astray. It works slowly, providing constant energy, especially in a time of needed change.

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Julianna Frushour

Labradorite is a stone that charges you with a sense of excitement and adventure; helping you take the steps required to go where you have never gone before. Its energy is quite visible to the it seems to work so quickly. It has within it a deeply felt resonance that is very powerful, and it can be used to bring amazing changes to your life.

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Julianna Frushour

Larvikite teaches patience, and can support when completion and closure to a goal is required. It assists the brain to take in new information more easily. It also helps us to understand and resolve complicated facts and to make decisions that are rational and not based upon our emotions.

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Julianna Frushour

Lapis lazuli is regarded by many people around the world as THE stone of friendship and truth. This blue stone is said to increase harmony in relationships and to help its wearer be authentic.  Definitely known to attract the affection of others and to encourage happiness.

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Julianna Frushour

Lava stone was once solid rock that was heated so much that it was turned into liquid. For this reason alone it provides the strength, fire, and power contained within it. It is a stone of courage which allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their lives.

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Julianna Frushour

Like the lotus flower, which grows and blooms in muddy water, the lotus seed symbolizes spiritual growth and the ability to rise above obstacles. Also said to increase one’s devotion, peace of mind, and inner beauty.

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Julianna Frushour

Magnesite promotes a positive attitude. It helps uncover and remove unconscious thoughts and feelings that are no longer self serving. It is also said to be a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination.

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Julianna Frushour

Moonstone is considered a good luck stone. It is a stone of inner growth and strength. The peace and calm that moonstone generates has a sensual, "other-worldly" quality to it. It is infused with an enchanting, soft glow of optimism. 

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