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Triple Stack Tuesday!

Andreana Salvemini


• Men's Yoga Bracelets - Mala Bracelets for Men - Tiger Eye Bracelet - Jade Bracelet - Buddha Bracelet - Lotus Seed Bracelet - Elephant Bracelet •

Top Bracelet • Tiger eye is used to focus the mind, which allows clearer thinking & insight. It helps you face & overcome difficult challenges & stick to your plans. It's said to bring good luck & protection to the wearer.

Middle Bracelet • Jade assists one in finding their true heart's desire. It is the ultimate symbol of calm & serenity; said to bring peace to the mind by releasing negative thoughts.
• The Buddha is a symbol of balance for peaceful thoughts & actions. It inspires the wearer to have strength & guidance on their path to enlightenment.

Bottom Bracelet • Like the lotus flower, which grows and blooms in muddy water, the lotus seed symbolizes spiritual growth and the ability to rise above obstacles. It is also said to increase one's devotion, peace of mind, and inner beauty.
• The main characteristics of the elephant are strength & steadfastness. Therefore they have become the symbol of physical & mental strength, as well as responsibility and earthiness.

This stack is available HERE!